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Action Alerts: November 2013 Archives


The situation is urgent. This week the Senate is debating and voting on amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act (the NDAA, S. 1197) - a piece of "must-pass" legislation that has become a magnet for amendments promoting various ideological agendas, including the anti-Iran-diplomacy agenda.

Call your Senators today (toll free - (877) 429-0678). Tell them: OPPOSE amendments to the NDAA that would undermine the current diplomatic effort to deal with Iran.


Just as a diplomatic solution to the Iran crisis appears potentially within reach, and at a time when the Obama Administration is imploring Congress to give it the space it needs to test this possibility, pressure is mounting for Congress to push ahead with new sanctions against Iran. Some are arguing that putting a gun to Iran's head during negotiations while tying the hands of Obama Administration negotiators is a way of promoting successful negotiations.