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Appeals: January 2014 Archives

We are planting for the future.


There is a story in the Talmud of a man who was walking along a road, and came upon an elderly man planting a carob tree. Seeing how old the gardener was, he asked him, "How long does this tree take to bear fruit?" The old man said, "70 years." The first man asked the gardener if he expected to live that long, and the man replied, "What I am planting, I am planting for my children, just as others planted for me."

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2014 starts with major promise for peace in the Middle East: An American outline of an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement, which Secretary of State John Kerry is reportedly discussing today with Israeli and Palestinian leaders.

If leaders on both sides seriously engage with Secretary Kerry's initiative, the countdown at Times Square could be the beginning of a countdown to an Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement.

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