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Israel: June 2008 Archives

Sanctions and such seem very far away just now, as I navigate my way through Israeli seas that can be radically deceiving, so calm on the surface, so churning just below. There are pinpricks of hope against a background of resignation. But even with a cease fire with Hamas now in fragile place, and even with a prisoner exchange with Hezbollah evidently imminent, and even with something new and possibly important developing on the Syrian front, and even with a sudden and unexpected turn towards Lebanon, and even with continuing negotiations between Israel and the Palestine Authority and now and rarely then rumors of some progress there, there's little political conversation. And I think I know why: Everything that can be said about "hamatzav," the situation here, has been said, long since, and again and again. For years now, experts and laypeople alike have claimed that "everyone" knows the parameters of the permanent resolution that remains so elusive. The Clinton parameters, or Geneva light, or call it what you will - a shared Jerusalem, no right of return but the admission to Israel of on the order of 100,000 refugees over, say, ten years, borders very near the Green Line, dismantling of all but a handful of settlement blocs, lots of technical stuff (water, security, and so forth).