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Israeli Palestinian Peace Process: September 2011 Archives

Another (Predictable) Jerusalem Settlement Announcement

Gilo_Construction186x140.jpgAs the entire world now knows, yesterday an Israeli planning committee approved Plan 13261, Mordot Gilo - South (aka "Gilo Slopes") - a plan for large-scale settlement construction in East Jerusalem, adjacent to the settlement of Gilo (map, courtesy of Daniel Seidemann).

This development was predictable (and predicted).  Which is really the theme here.

Support peace, not punishment

A drama is unfolding at the UN over the recognition of Palestine as an independent state. 

Like you, we are watching the situation closely. Earlier today, President Obama spoke at the United Nations General Assembly. Unfortunately, his words offered very little in terms of hope, vision, or leadership in resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On Friday, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israel's Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu will address the UN General Assembly.  

Quo Vadis Palestine?

Mansour186x140.jpgWhat kind of UN recognition are the Palestinians seeking? What are they expecting to achieve? Are they aware of the possible repercussion? To answer these questions, APN hosted a briefing call with Ambassador Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations. Ambassador Mansour took questions from APN Board members and major supporters. To listen to a recording of the call, click here.