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Legislative Round Ups: July 2008 Archives

APN Legislative Round-Up - July 25, 2008

I. Bills and Resolutions; II. Senate FY09 ForOps Bill -- Committee Markup; III. Senate Letter on Iran Interests Section; IV. Specter on the Record on Iran and Syria-Israel Talks; V. Frank Letter to Olmert re: Settlements

APN Legislative Round-Up - July 18, 2008

I. Bills and Resolutions; II. Notification of Defense Deals with Israel; III. CUFI in DC; IV. Yes, Another Iran Sanctions Bill; V. State Department Responds to Price-LaHood Letter; VI. Sen. Kucinich Eulogies a true Peace-Maker

APN Legislative Round-Up - July 11, 2008

I. Bills and Resolutions; II. State-of-Play of H. Con. Res. 362; III. APN on H. Con. Res. 362; IV. Ackerman on H. Con. Res. 362; V. Hearings and Markups; VI. Spotlight on Israel-Europe Relations; VII. Kirk, Harman Push Missile Defenses for Israel