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News and Updates: January 2006 Archives

Yossi Alpher, Israeli security expert, responds to questions the day the Palestinian election results were announced

Subject matter includes the Moslem response to offensive cartoons and whether Israel's disengagement from Gaza led to the election of Hamas... Read and share your comments

APN Letter to Interim Prime Minister Olmert

January 6, 2006 Interim Prime Minister Ehud Olmert Office of the Prime Minister Jerusalem, Israel Dear Interim Prime Minister Olmert, On behalf of Americans for Peace Now, we are writing to express our solidarity with you, the Government, and the people of Israel in this very difficult moment. We extend our prayers for a speedy and complete recovery to Prime Minister Ariel Sharon - a true Zionist and patriot whose recent actions in removing settlements from ...

The New Israel Fund (NIF) and Americans for Peace Now (APN) will host a Capitol Hill panel discussion on Wed., January 11, with expert panelists