APN Interview with B'Tselem's Sarit Michaeli on killing of Mustafa Tamimi

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December 12, 2011 Michaeli of B'Tselem, the Israeli information center on human rights in the Occupied Territories, explains why the death of a Palestinian demonstrator in the West Bank, who was shot by an Israeli soldier at close range with a tear gas canister, is both unusual and alarmingly routine. (photo: Haim Scwarczenberg)
December 12, 2011 Michaeli of B'Tselem, the Israeli information center on human rights in the Occupied Territories, explains why the death of a Palestinian demonstrator in the West Bank, who was shot by an Israeli soldier at close range with a tear gas canister, is both unusual and alarmingly routine. (photo: Haim Scwarczenberg)
APN Interview with Mossi Raz

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November 21, 2011 Radio All for Peace was ordered to cease broadcasting by the Israeli ministry of communications, the latest target of the Israeli government's campaign to silence dissent. Mossi Raz, a former Knesset member (Meretz) and former Secretary General of Peace Now, jointly owns the radio station. Raz talks to APN about the attempt to silence a radio station that strives to achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace.
November 21, 2011 Radio All for Peace was ordered to cease broadcasting by the Israeli ministry of communications, the latest target of the Israeli government's campaign to silence dissent. Mossi Raz, a former Knesset member (Meretz) and former Secretary General of Peace Now, jointly owns the radio station. Raz talks to APN about the attempt to silence a radio station that strives to achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace.
APN Briefing Call with Peace Now's Hagit Ofran

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November 15, 2011 Hagit talks about recent attacks on Peace Now, as well as about government- and Knesset-led attempts to silence Peace Now and other components of Israel's civil society.
November 15, 2011 Hagit talks about recent attacks on Peace Now, as well as about government- and Knesset-led attempts to silence Peace Now and other components of Israel's civil society.
"Troubled Triangle: The US, Turkey, and Israel in the New Middle East" - Middle East Institute Panel with APN's Lara Friedman

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October 18, 2011 Lara joins with William B. Quandt, Gönül Tol, Ellen Laipson to discuss critical and fluid Middle East foreign policy issues.
October 18, 2011 Lara joins with William B. Quandt, Gönül Tol, Ellen Laipson to discuss critical and fluid Middle East foreign policy issues.
APN Briefing Call with Jerusalem Expert Daniel Seidemann

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October 19, 2011 Seidemann explores the threat that planned new settlements in East Jerusalem pose for the two-state solution.
October 19, 2011 Seidemann explores the threat that planned new settlements in East Jerusalem pose for the two-state solution.
Quo Vadis Palestine? APN Briefing Call with Riyad Mansour

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September 14, 2011 What kind of UN recognition are the Palestinians seeking? What are they expecting to achieve? Are they aware of the possible repercussion? To answer these questions, APN hosted a briefing call with Ambassador Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations. Ambassador Mansour took questions from APN Board members and major supporters.
September 14, 2011 What kind of UN recognition are the Palestinians seeking? What are they expecting to achieve? Are they aware of the possible repercussion? To answer these questions, APN hosted a briefing call with Ambassador Riyad Mansour, the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations. Ambassador Mansour took questions from APN Board members and major supporters.
Interview with APN Intern Aaron Mann

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September 6, 2011 Mann, a graduate student who participated in a Birthright trip to Israel, interned with APN from January to August 2011, and on his last day spoke with APN's Ori Nir, Lara Friedman, and Stacey Frank about his rich experience. (Mann also wrote the essay "From Birthright to APN")
September 6, 2011 Mann, a graduate student who participated in a Birthright trip to Israel, interned with APN from January to August 2011, and on his last day spoke with APN's Ori Nir, Lara Friedman, and Stacey Frank about his rich experience. (Mann also wrote the essay "From Birthright to APN")
APN's Lara Friedman on KCRW's (NPR) "To The Point"

August 15, 2011 Lara participates in the discussion on the social and economic protests in Israel as the Palestinians ready their case for the UN.
Play audio by going HERE, selecting "listen" and choosing the tab in the timeline that begins with "Israel"
and on Voice of America's "Encounter"
August 13, 2011 Panelists Friedman and David Makovsky spoke about the implications of the Palestinians seeking statehood at the United Nations and a potential confrontation with Washington, Israel, and others.
Go HERE to listen; scroll down to "Topic: Showdown at the UN: Unilateral Palestinian Declaration?"
APN Interview with James Besser

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June 23, 2011 The New York Jewish Week's Washington correspondent last week published his last column after 24 years of exploring the intersection between the organized Jewish community and Washington politics.
June 23, 2011 The New York Jewish Week's Washington correspondent last week published his last column after 24 years of exploring the intersection between the organized Jewish community and Washington politics.
APN Briefing call with James Carroll

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June 1, 2011 On Jerusalem Day, APN hosted celebrated author James Carroll for a discussion about what Jerusalem means to Israelis and to Palestinians, about the role that it plays in the conflict, and about the relationship between the celestial and the terrestrial Jerusalem.
June 1, 2011 On Jerusalem Day, APN hosted celebrated author James Carroll for a discussion about what Jerusalem means to Israelis and to Palestinians, about the role that it plays in the conflict, and about the relationship between the celestial and the terrestrial Jerusalem.
APN Briefing call with Akiva Eldar

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May 27, 2011 Haaretz's chief political columnist addresses the political scene following Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to Washington and President Obama's Mideast policy speeches.
May 27, 2011 Haaretz's chief political columnist addresses the political scene following Prime Minister Netanyahu's visit to Washington and President Obama's Mideast policy speeches.
APN Briefing call with Robert Wexler

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May 24, 2011 The key Washington insider, former congressman from Florida, who is currently the President of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace. Wexler examines the week's events, focusing on the speeches of President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu.
May 24, 2011 The key Washington insider, former congressman from Florida, who is currently the President of the S. Daniel Abraham Center for Middle East Peace. Wexler examines the week's events, focusing on the speeches of President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Conference Call with Professor Nathan Brown on Palestinian "unity" and Hamas

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May 6, 2011 Nathan J. Brown is an expert on Islamist movements, Palestinian politics, and Arab law and constitutionalism. He is a professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and has authored four well-received books on Arab politics.
May 6, 2011 Nathan J. Brown is an expert on Islamist movements, Palestinian politics, and Arab law and constitutionalism. He is a professor of political science and international affairs at George Washington University, Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and has authored four well-received books on Arab politics.
Conference Call on U.S. Middle East Peace Efforts

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January 26, 2011 A discussion on U.S. Middle East peace efforts moderated by APN's Lara Friedman with Steve Clemons, a leading Washington foreign policy analyst and an opinion shaper, founder and a senior fellow of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation and publisher of the popular political blog, The Washington Note.
January 26, 2011 A discussion on U.S. Middle East peace efforts moderated by APN's Lara Friedman with Steve Clemons, a leading Washington foreign policy analyst and an opinion shaper, founder and a senior fellow of the American Strategy Program at the New America Foundation and publisher of the popular political blog, The Washington Note.
Interview with Mossi Raz after Demonstration Arrest

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January 3, 2011 Former Israeli Knesset Member and secretary general of Peace Now was attacked by an Israeli policeman and then arrested Saturday night at a demonstration in Tel Aviv. Mossi and other peace activists were protesting against the IDF's use of excessive force in the West Bank. He spoke with APN about the reason for the demonstration, about the circumstances of his arrest, and about the struggle to protect Israeli democracy.
January 3, 2011 Former Israeli Knesset Member and secretary general of Peace Now was attacked by an Israeli policeman and then arrested Saturday night at a demonstration in Tel Aviv. Mossi and other peace activists were protesting against the IDF's use of excessive force in the West Bank. He spoke with APN about the reason for the demonstration, about the circumstances of his arrest, and about the struggle to protect Israeli democracy.
NPR's All Things Considered "Rise In Jewish Settlements Stalls Middle East Talks"

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October 22, 2010 Includes coverage of Peace Now's report on post freeze settlement construction, and comments for Hagit Ofran, Peace Now Settlement Watch Director, including "...It seems that the settlers are building wherever they can and as much as they can."
October 22, 2010 Includes coverage of Peace Now's report on post freeze settlement construction, and comments for Hagit Ofran, Peace Now Settlement Watch Director, including "...It seems that the settlers are building wherever they can and as much as they can."
What's happening with the settlements?

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October 5, 2010 Recording of a briefing call led by APN Policy and Government Director Lara Friedman, featuring Peace Now Settlement Watch Director Hagit Ofran, and Jerusalem expert Danny Seidemnann. Nobody watches what takes place in the settlements more closely than these two.
October 5, 2010 Recording of a briefing call led by APN Policy and Government Director Lara Friedman, featuring Peace Now Settlement Watch Director Hagit Ofran, and Jerusalem expert Danny Seidemnann. Nobody watches what takes place in the settlements more closely than these two.
Interview with Ronit Avni of Just Vision

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September 21, 2010 The founder and executive director of the organization Just Vision speaks about its mission to highlight non-violent efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, including its new film "Budrus" to be screened throughout the U.S. in October. The documentary is about the efforts of a man and others from his town and beyond who protest in order to keep their town from being destroyed due to the construction of Israel's security barrier.
September 21, 2010 The founder and executive director of the organization Just Vision speaks about its mission to highlight non-violent efforts to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, including its new film "Budrus" to be screened throughout the U.S. in October. The documentary is about the efforts of a man and others from his town and beyond who protest in order to keep their town from being destroyed due to the construction of Israel's security barrier.
NPR's Morning Edition on APN's App

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September 22, 2010 Listen to NPR's Morning Edition story focusing on APN's newly launched Map Project and iPhone/iPad app. "Now, powerful mapping technology and extensive data are available for the first time for anyone with an iPhone or computer...Peace Now is offering detailed maps showing why Israeli settlements will also derail a two-state solution."
September 22, 2010 Listen to NPR's Morning Edition story focusing on APN's newly launched Map Project and iPhone/iPad app. "Now, powerful mapping technology and extensive data are available for the first time for anyone with an iPhone or computer...Peace Now is offering detailed maps showing why Israeli settlements will also derail a two-state solution."
NPR's Morning Edition

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September 7, 2010 4-minute report from Morning Edition on September 7, 2010 on Israeli-Palestinian peace talks running up against the challenge of the settlement construction moratorium.
September 7, 2010 4-minute report from Morning Edition on September 7, 2010 on Israeli-Palestinian peace talks running up against the challenge of the settlement construction moratorium.
Marwan Muasher

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August 25, 2010 While most experts and pundits advise an incremental approach to an separate Israeli-Palestinian peace, Marwan Muasher, Jordan's former foreign minister and ambassador to Washington and Israel supports a much more ambitious regional approach, which harnesses the Arab League's Peace Initiative to the Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. Continue reading
August 25, 2010 While most experts and pundits advise an incremental approach to an separate Israeli-Palestinian peace, Marwan Muasher, Jordan's former foreign minister and ambassador to Washington and Israel supports a much more ambitious regional approach, which harnesses the Arab League's Peace Initiative to the Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts. Continue reading
Gaza Flotilla tragedy

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June 2, 2010 - APN held a briefing call today to discuss the fallout from the tragedy off of Gaza's coast, the reaction in Israel, and our efforts in Washington to draw attention to the need to renew a peace process that ends the siege of Gaza
June 2, 2010 - APN held a briefing call today to discuss the fallout from the tragedy off of Gaza's coast, the reaction in Israel, and our efforts in Washington to draw attention to the need to renew a peace process that ends the siege of Gaza
Danny Seidemann

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May 5, 2010 - Jerusalem expert Danny Seidemann, on a visit to Washington, says it is not difficult to take measures to minimize eruptions of violence in East Jerusalem, which might jeopardize the newly resumed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
May 5, 2010 - Jerusalem expert Danny Seidemann, on a visit to Washington, says it is not difficult to take measures to minimize eruptions of violence in East Jerusalem, which might jeopardize the newly resumed Israeli-Palestinian peace talks.
Ori Nir

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March 21, 2010 - Nir was interviewed as part of a discussion on the Middle East policy of the Obama administration in the aftermath of the recent announcement of housing construction in East Jerusalem during Vice President Biden's visit.
March 21, 2010 - Nir was interviewed as part of a discussion on the Middle East policy of the Obama administration in the aftermath of the recent announcement of housing construction in East Jerusalem during Vice President Biden's visit.
Didi Remez

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January 21, 2010 - Israeli human rights activist Didi Remez explaining why he and others have been demonstrating in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrakh on Fridays for the past three months. Peace Now activists will join the demonstration tomorrow, January 22nd.
January 21, 2010 - Israeli human rights activist Didi Remez explaining why he and others have been demonstrating in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrakh on Fridays for the past three months. Peace Now activists will join the demonstration tomorrow, January 22nd.
Exploring Jewish terrorism in Israel

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December 22, 2009 - Ami Pedahzur, an expert on Jewish terrorism in Israel and the co-author of a new book on the topic, looks at the risk of political violence in Israel following the Israeli government's decision to partially freeze settlement activity in the West Bank.
December 22, 2009 - Ami Pedahzur, an expert on Jewish terrorism in Israel and the co-author of a new book on the topic, looks at the risk of political violence in Israel following the Israeli government's decision to partially freeze settlement activity in the West Bank.
Rebuilding Gaza with Bill Corcoran

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December 16, 2009 - A year after Operation Cast Led, ANERA President Bill Corcoran, back from a visit to the region and on his way to another visit, describes the challenge of rebuilding the Gaza Strip residentially and economically.
December 16, 2009 - A year after Operation Cast Led, ANERA President Bill Corcoran, back from a visit to the region and on his way to another visit, describes the challenge of rebuilding the Gaza Strip residentially and economically.
Hagit Ofran: Assessing Israel's Announced Limited Moratorium on Settlement Construction

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December 11, 2009 - APN briefing call with Hagit Ofran, the director of Peace Now's Settlement Watch Project, to assess the repercussions of the Israeli government's announcement of a limited moratorium on West Bank settlement construction.
December 11, 2009 - APN briefing call with Hagit Ofran, the director of Peace Now's Settlement Watch Project, to assess the repercussions of the Israeli government's announcement of a limited moratorium on West Bank settlement construction.
New poll: Israeli public needs peace

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December 10, 2009 - Jim Gerstein, a Washington pollster and an APN Board member, talks about the poll he recently prepared for the New America Foundation, showing that Israeli support for peace with the Palestinians and Israeli approval of President Obama are greater than typically believed. Click here for the full survey. Click here for Jim's analysis of the poll.
December 10, 2009 - Jim Gerstein, a Washington pollster and an APN Board member, talks about the poll he recently prepared for the New America Foundation, showing that Israeli support for peace with the Palestinians and Israeli approval of President Obama are greater than typically believed. Click here for the full survey. Click here for Jim's analysis of the poll.