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Peace Now in the Press: January 2009 Archives

" became apparent that the United States, as well as Peace Now's settlement monitoring team, was in possession of much more precise information about settlement construction than was the defense establishment..."
"Eventually, even if there will be a peace treaty with the Palestinians, it will be almost impossible to implement it on the ground," says Yariv Oppenheimer, of the human rights group Peace Now.
Continued expansion of settlements and lack of outpost evacuation are key findings
"Last week I dug up an old, yellowing Israeli intelligence report from April 1987 headlined "The Gaza Strip toward the year 2000."
Debra DeLee, APN president and CEO: "Israelis and Palestinians deserve a Good Friday Agreement of their own. If anyone has the statesmanship and experience to broker such an agreement, it is a person of Senator Mitchell's stature."

JTA: "Coalition to Obama: push two-state solution"

"While we appreciate the goodwill of previous efforts, we need a fresh start," reads a letter delivered to the White House on Wednesday and signed by Ameinu, Americans for Peace Now, American Task Force for Lebanon, the Arab-American Institute, Brit Tzedek v'Shalom, Churches for Middle East Peace and J Street.
"By this stage in the first and second Lebanon wars, there were much larger street demonstrations, vigils and op-ed pieces," said Janet Aviad (veteran Peace Now leader)

JTA Blog: "Trucking through D.C. with APN"

APN's moveable billboard will travel the streets of Washington the weekend before the inauguration
APN Leaders in S. California joined with others as signatories for this letter published in the 1/15 issue

San Francisco Chronicle: "In U.S., war of words over Gaza"

But increasingly, growing progressive Jewish political action groups like APN and the J-Street Project - with energetic fundraising and activism - have begun to serve as an alternative voice to the group that has long held center stage as the powerful pro-Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.
Some one thousand Israeli activists from Peace Now and the left-wing Meretz party protested Saturday against the offensive in Gaza, opposite the Defense Ministry compound in Tel Aviv.
APN Spokesman Ori Nir: "Elements that were very important to us all along are featured front and center in this resolution"

JTA: "This is what it sounds like when doves cry foul"

"Simultaneously submitting the resolution to AIPAC and APN is in itself something of a coup for the dovish groups."
"Americans for Peace Now, apparently having learned of the resolution, distributed talking points on the Hill on Monday."
Americans for Peace Now urged some 10,000 of its supporters to contact members with the message that, while Israel has a right to defend itself, it risks endangering its security through this action,...

Columbus Free Press: "The future of civilization"

An award-winning writer critiques a NY Times Editorial re: Gaza operation; gives favorable mention to Peace Now's Student Dialouge Program
The crisis in Gaza and southern Israel can't wait for a change of leadership in Washington. It has profound implications for America's national security. Each passing day deals another blow to the hopes of achieving progress toward Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab peace.