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Peace Now in the Press: February 2009 Archives

Politico: "Israeli nationalist, charm offensive"

The group Peace Now has taken out ads in Jewish newspapers, asking, "Where is the outrage?"
For the first time in years, there is an American administration that puts action behind its rhetoric.
APN's Friedman & Peace Now's Ofran write the Obama administration "must establish a policy of zero tolerance for settlement expansion before it is too late"
Americans for Peace Now, for one, putting out a statement praising "the president's commitment to work for secure and lasting peace between Israel and its neighbors"

Forward: "Wiesenthal Center Fights With L.A. Neighbors"

"...a protest letter (re: Jerusalem Museum site) from Americans for Peace Now, signed by such prominent American Jews as author Michael Chabon and feminist writer Letty Cottin Pogrebin."

Jerusalem Post: "Security fence grew a mere 12 km. in '08"

Peace Now on Tuesday said the IDF has taken some dangerous shortcuts in the last few months as it maps out the remainder of the structure's route.

APN: "First reactions - APN gets the prize"

Americans for Peace Now is first out of the box with a reaction to the Israel-peace reference in President Obama's non-state of the union state of the union.

JTA: "Jewish banker sets heartfelt tone for Obama speech"

"Friends of Israel should support the president's commitment to work for secure and lasting peace between Israel and its neighbors," said Ori Nir, the APN spokesman.
APN warned Jewish leaders not to "legitimize him and what he stands for."

Jerusalem Post: "Mitchell could support PA unity gov't"

"It's a breath of fresh air to have a briefing with a broad spectrum of pro-Israel organizations that is on the record," said Ori Nir, spokesman for the dovish Americans for Peace Now.
APN's Ori Nir: "exposing young Palestinians to American society is the right thing to do."
APN's Ori Nir: "Mitchell's positive, hope-driven attitude must be commended."

Jerusalem Post: "Right blasts plan to open Hebron road"

Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer: "Opening the road will prove to Palestinians that quiet and security bring both nations toward a solution..."

Jerusalem Post: "Lieberman weakens Israel's cause in US"

"His provocative image has ramifications that go beyond Jewish-Arab issues in Israel," said Americans for Peace Now spokesman Ori Nir

JTA: "Lieberman loyalty proposal finds support in U.S."

Ori Nir, a spokesman for Americans for Peace Now, said that expressions of solidarity by Israeli Arabs with the enemies of Israel should be considered protected political speech, and that asking Israeli Arabs to sign a loyalty oath only would alienate them further.
APN's Ori Nir: "The efforts of the next few days and weeks to form a government coalition will hopefully make this night a victory for the path of negotiations and peace..."

AFP: "Israel vote bad omen for Obama peace plans"

But Americans for Peace Now -- a Washington-based group -- warned that the results bode ill for the peace process.
Ori Nir, Americans For Peace Now's spokesman, said moments after the results were announced. "Neither America nor Israeli voters will tolerate stalling tactics on the road to peace. There is simply too much at stake."

PBS Frontline Blog: "In the News Israel's Enemy Within"

"...the settler population during that same period grew by 35,000 to 285,000 in the West Bank, according to a new Peace Now report."

JTA: "Does `When Bibi met Barack' have a happy ending?"

APN's Ori Nir: "What every Israeli government finds when it takes the reins is the same reality: the same West Bank, the same Iran, the same Gaza, the same Arab world..."
Nir highlights Yossi Alpher's APN column on possible election scenarios...

Washington Jewish Week: "Israel's dangerous dark horse"

Debra DeLee, head of Americans for Peace Now, has called Lieberman's "ultra-hawkish" views "potentially disastrous to peace efforts."
Attorneys Michael Sfard and Shlomi Zacharia, who petitioned the High Court on the evacuation two years ago on the behalf of Peace Now...
The Defense Ministry is poised to authorize one of the largest West Bank construction projects in recent years...according to Peace Now.

IPS: "MIDEAST: Settlement Expansion Cutting Into Peace"

Peace Now published a report with the title 'Settlers do not need to wait for Bibi', referring to the right-wing Likud party leader Benjamin Netanyahu
Reuters, Guardian, Democracy Now, Forward, LA Times, Ha'aretz, Foreign Policy Magazine, Israel Army Radio, CBS News

Time: "Mitchell Is Ready to Listen, but Is Israel?"

Includes mention of Peace Now's new settlement report

Washington Post: "Mr. Mitchell in the Mideast"

"The Israeli group Peace Now reported that settlement growth in 2008 was 69 percent greater than the previous year..."

Washington Jewish Week Editorial: "Off to a good start"

On Obama's appointment of George Mitchell as Middle East envoy (mentions APN's support of this choice)