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Recently in Special Issue Resource Page

Israeli-Palestinian Peace Talks resource page


This resource page will offer you background, analysis and commentary on the talks - anything you need to follow the new diplomatic initiative.

Click here.

Understanding Israel's Elections - APN Resources


This week Israelis went to the polls to elect members of the 19th Knesset. The results of these elections surprised pollsters and pundits alike. APN provides resources to help you understand what happened, what could happen next, and what it all means.

What You Need to Know About E-1

E-1 infrastucture - road186x140.jpg

E-1 is back in the news, with a vengeance. In this document we provide all the information you need to know about this controversial settlement project, as well as answer questions you might have and refute the erroneous or deliberately misleading arguments that are being bandied about.


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