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Video: September 2009 Archives

Video Contest Finalists (from Israel)

The Israeli Peace Now movement today released the three finalists from its video competition. These videos were made by Peace Now activists.

Engage Iran, Promote Peace

President George W. Bush adopted a strategy toward Iran based on trying to threaten, browbeat and sanction Iran into submission. This strategy failed to stop Iran's nuclear program or end its reckless meddling in the region.

President Barack Obama came to office promising to change course and engage Iran. He was right. Serious, sustained, direct U.S. engagement with Iran is now needed to address the full range of issues on the U.S.-Iran agenda.

Unfortunately, many are now calling for a deadline to end engagement efforts and new "crippling sanctions" that target the Iranian people.

In the video below, APN's Lara Friedman and Ori Nir clarify these issues.

Click here to write Congress. Ask them to support Obama's approach to Iran.

We look forward to your questions and comments.