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APN Publications: June 2005 Archives

Q. transportation link between Gaza and the West Bank?

Q. Ramifications of destroying the settlers' houses in Gaza?

Legislative Roundup - June 24, 2005

I. House ForOps - Update II. House ForOps - Settlements III. House ForOps - Egypt IV. UN Reform - Isr/Pals V. Dear Colleagues VI. On the Hill

Index and Link to all issues of APN's "Settlements in Focus" Posted on 6/24/05 According to recent news reports, the Jerusalem Municipality wants to demolish a large number of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem. Is this true? Yes. In November 2004, the Jerusalem town planner reportedly sent instructions to the building enforcement department to aggressively enforce building laws in a Palestinian neighborhood on the southern edge of the Old City, called ...

June 20, 2005 - Vol. 6, Issue 47

DISENGAGEMENT'S HEALTHY RECOVERY: In a Ma'ariv survey, the percentage of supporters rose to 55%. (disengagement opponents have never passed 38%).

Q. How relevant is the Labor Party primary for disengagement and a peace process? Q. What are the ramifications of a law and order crisis for Abu Mazen's leadership?

Legislative Roundup - June 17, 2005

I. House ForOps Markup - the Bill II. House ForOps - the Markup III. Bills and Resolutions

How do you explain recent polls that show a drop in Israeli public support for disengagement? Where is the debate among Israelis over the true size of the Palestinian population leading?

Discussions from the Bush-Abbas Meeting, and answers on settlement construction, Israeli Government approval and funding, "natural" growth, outposts, and more...

Legislative Roundup - June 10, 2005

I. Foreign Relations Authorization Act (House version) II. Bills and Resolutions III. Wexler on Egypt

June 10, 2005 - Vol. 6, Issue 46

Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz met with Palestinian Interior Minister Nasser Yousef this week, and the two agreed on security coordination during the evacuation of settlements. They decided that work groups from both sides would begin to function starting next week.

June 6, 2005 - Vol. 6, Issue 45

Israel TV aired a high-profile documentary series on the settlements. "The breath becomes short, the heart is choked with anger..." wrote a reviewer.

Do Bush & Israeli views differ on Gaza's status post-disengagement? How to interpret departing IDF Chief of Staff Yaalon's extreme pessimism?