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APN Publications: July 2006 Archives

Legislative Roundup - July 28, 2006

I. Bills and Resolutions II. New Christian Caucus for Israel III. Sen. Bingaman (D-NM) on the Record IV. Chafee vs. Bolton V. Statements on H. Res. 921

Q. How will the accidental death by bombing of some 60 Lebanese civilians at Qana early Sunday morning factor into Israel's ceasefire and international force considerations? Q. What will an international force for southern Lebanon look like? How will it function?

(7/21/06) Settlements in Focus Challenges to the Settler Leadership (Vol.2, Issue 11) A publication of Americans for Peace Now Who does the Yesha Council actually represent? As noted in the Settlements in Focus, Vol. 2, Issue 10, the Yesha Council (the Hebrew acronym for "the Council of Settlements of Judea, Samaria, and Gaza") is the successor body of the original Gush Emunim movement - the religious-nationalist settlers who saw settlement of ...

Legislative Roundup - July 21, 2006

I. Hamas/Hezbollah Resolutions II. APN on Hamas/Hezbollah Resolutions III. Also on the Hill

Q. What are Israel's prime strategic considerations regarding international involvement? Q. How is the war affecting Israel and Lebanon economically?

APN Legislative Round-Up - July 14, 2006

I. Congress responds to kidnappings II. Senate FY07 ForOps - details

Why did Hizballah attack Israel... Why is Washington not getting involved politically in trying to mitigate this highly volatile conflict?

Q. ...what are the Olmert government's strategic considerations in proceeding with Operation Summer Rains in Gaza and pursuing Shalit's release? Q. ...why is the Gaza operation moving so slowly?

All about the leaders and actions taken by the Yesha (Settlements) Council

9/16/05 - The latest edition profiles the Elon Moreh Settlement

Q. ...prospects for a negotiated conclusion to the current Israeli campaign against Hamas in Gaza? Q. ...Could and should Israel talk to Hamas?

July 3, 2006 - Vol. 7, Issue 48

Oh Say, Can You See? Settlers from the illegal 851 settlement outpost near Itamar attacked soldiers guarding them with the demand that they remove the Israeli flag from the flagpole. "The flag offends us," said the rioters, "On this hill there is no State of Israel-there is a state of Halacha."