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APN Publications: January 2013 Archives


Alpher discusses the issues confronting the political principals of the recent Israeli elections as they move into coalition negotiations, who are the candidates for minister of defense, whether Israel can draw any lessons from the massive terrorist attack on a remote desert gas field in Algeria and the ensuing drama.

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Alpher offers a preliminary assessment of the Israeli election and discusses the broad ramifications of the narrow victory for Binyamin Netanyahu and surprise showing for Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid party, the coalition possibilities, and what characterized this election in contrast with previous ones.

Israel votes: preliminary assessment

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Alpher discusses Netanyahu's options on January 23 for forming a governing coalition, what coalition options might emerge from these, how former PM Olmert's accusations of Netanyahu wasting NIS 11 billion over the past four years on "military delusions" plays in the elections, and more on the the saga of Mahmoud Abbas asking to absorb Palestinian refugees fleeing Syria: everyone takes yet another opportunity to miss an opportunity.


Alpher offers predictions regarding Israel-related strategic developments in 2013, and discusses why Israel just agreed to allow Hamas to import large quantities of building materials, whether the renewed readiness of Hamas and Fateh to discuss reconciliation reflect deference to Egypt's Islamist leadership, what has happened in the two weeks since he mentioned Palestinian President Abbas' offer to absorb Palestinian refugees fleeing the violence in Syria and suggested Israel and Jordan assist in this effort.