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Legislative Round Ups: March 2005 Archives

Legislative Roundup - 7/23/04

I. Senate ICJ Resolution; II. New Bills and Resolutions; III. ForOps Redux; IV. Defense Approps Redux

Legislative Roundup - 7/30/04

Plus Bonus Recess Edition - 108th Redux

Legislative Roundups - 9/10/04

I. Implementing Recommendations of the 911 Commission (S 2774); II. Homeland Security Approps (HR 4567); III. Remembering 9/11 (H Res 757); IV. US Passports and Jerusalem - US Court dismisses lawsuits

Legislative Roundup - 9/15/04

1. Senate ForOps and CJS Markup; 2. HR 4567 Update; 3. Syria Resolution(s)

Legislative Roundup - 9/24/04

I. Senate ForOps Approps II. Senate CJS Approps

Legislative Round-Up - 11/19/04

I. Senate Resolution II. House Letter - Aid to PA III. House Letter - Egypt IV. 109th Congress - Jewish Members V. APN letter to President Bush

Legislative Round-Up - 3/18/2005

I. House Passes Supplemental; II. APN on Supplemental; III. Bills and Resolutions; IV. Congressional Letter on Egypt; V. On the Record - Capps and Kolbe

Legislative Round-Up - 3/11/05

I. New Bills and Resolutions II. House Approps Marks Up Supplemental III. APN on Palestinian Aid IV. APN Ambassadors Forum on the Hill

Legislative Round-Up - 3/4/05

I. New Bills and Resolutions II. FY04 Supplemental - Details III. Palestinian Aid _ State-of-Play IV. APN and Palestinian Aid V. On the Hill