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News and Updates: August 2008 Archives

The first question during the press conference Condoleezza Rice and Tzippi Livni held yesterday was about a Peace Now report...
Ofran discusses the new Settlement Watch Report entitled "Israel Is Eliminating the Green Line And Continuing to Build in the Isolated Settlements"
"Israel Is Eliminating the Green Line And Continuing to Build in the Isolated Settlements"
This special offer to receive the Academy Award winning film is done to honor filmmaker Ari Sandel, who will receive APN's Cine-Peace Award

CINE-PEACE Event held on September 22, 2008

The event screened four films and included the presentation of the CINE-PEACE Award to filmmaker Ari Sandel
How relevant is the Russia-Georgia fighting to Israel and its strategic interests?

Peace Now challenges settlers at every turn

Settlers and their allies may be trying to take advantage of the political transition period in Israel to further expand settlements.
8/5/08: The Israeli political situation with Olmert's impending resignation is discussed in depth