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News and Updates: February 2009 Archives

APN Sarasota Luncheon Gala - March 18, 2009

Featured speaker will be Ambassador Philip C. Wilcox, Jr.
Peace Now sees these seizure of orders as an attempt to establish quick facts on the ground and to bypass High Court provisions.

NEW ITEMS: They Say, We Say

Are settlements legal? On "state" land, private Jewish land, private Palestinian land? What's the objection to Jews living in Judea & Samaria (aka West Bank)?
The long-time Peace Now leader elected to the Knesset for the Meretz Party discusses "Pushing for Peace after the Elections"
The Ha'aretz Chief Political Columnist discusses the exit polling and its implications after the conclusion of the Israeli Knesset Elections

Ynet poll: Kadima wins; Labor crashes

Tzipi Livni big winner of 2009 elections, according to Rafi Smith poll commissioned by Ynet; Kadima wins 28 Knesset seats, Likud comes in second with 26, Lieberman third with 16, Labor crashes to 14

"No Right Turn" Stickers

Peace Now activists distributed special stickers in advance of the February 10 Israeli elections