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News and Updates: March 2009 Archives

Peace Now unveils New T-Shirt about Jerusalem

Using the wordplay of "Beer" and "Capitol" being the same word in Hebrew, the shirt says "Two Beers/Capitols for Two Peoples"

APN Passover Haggadah Insert - 2009

Each year, APN provides language which can be added to the reading of the Haggadah at Passover.

Ilan Paz (Brig. General, Ret.) visits L.A. for APN

The security and peace process expert came to L.A. especially for programs and meetings organized by APN
The Israeli security and peace process expert, visiting the U.S., discusses prospects for peace given Israeli and Palestinian political situations
The retired Israeli intelligence officer writes: "...Israel cannot stop the rockets - or make peace - with military power alone."
The time has come for the U.S. to establish a serious political process to deal with the core issues, including a smarter policy regarding Hamas.

APN: Obama off to Good Start in the Middle East

Halfway through the Obama Administration's first 100 days, President Barack Obama is off to a strong and very promising start in the Middle East, taking action on many of the central items suggested in APN's Blueprint.

APN Says on Purim: "Who are they kidding?"

Distinguishing fantasy from the often dismal reality of the Middle East takes clear eyes and a sober commitment to pragmatism.
Construction of 73,300 housing units in the West Bank are being planned...