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Recommended Readings: October 2010 Archives

NY Times: "Just Knock It Off" by Thomas Friedman

Thomas Friedman 186x140.jpg"...I know this is a crazy, radical idea -- when America asks Israel to do something that in no way touches on its vital security but would actually enhance it, there is only one right answer: "Yes." It is a measure of how spoiled Israel has become...Israel feels no compunction about spurning an American request for a longer settlement freeze -- the only purpose of which is to help the United States help Israel reach a secure peace with the Palestinians...

Read the entire article HERE
Pisgat Zeev Map 186x140.jpg The Jerusalem Settlement Pisgat Zeev (in blue) already walls in Palestinian Beit Hanina and Shuafat Refugee Camp (in gold).

Provided are excerpts from and links to these related articles:

AFP: "Israel plans 238 new settler homes in east Jerusalem"
Jerusalem Post: "State Department condemns east Jerusalem building" & "'Israel killing every opportunity to resume talks'"

Outpost Court Order w Caption.jpgHigh Court of Justice judges including Supreme Court President Dorit Beinish, Justice Uzi Fogelman and Justice Neal Hendel leveled criticism at government policy ignoring illegal construction in outposts which have been served with warrants.
Also included are excerpts from and links to the Ha'aretz articles:
"Netanyahu still wary of razing six West Bank outposts slated for demolition in 2004" & "Border Control / Minister of contempt" by Akiva Eldar

Hebron 186x140.jpgIf peace talks between Israelis and the Palestinians break down completely, the sticking point is likely to be expanded Israeli settlements in the West Bank. Indeed, settlements have for the past two years been the focus of attention from U.S. negotiators. That's a contrast to past peace efforts, when the dominant issues were Palestinian violence and terrorism or Israeli security.

The Derailer
Yedioth Ahronoth 10/12/10 (p. 3)
by Shimon Shiffer
(Translation by Israel News Today)

I have a question for President Shimon Peres, who attended the opening meeting of the Knesset's winter session and listened to Netanyahu's speech with closed eyes: Mr. Peres, when you signed the declaration of principles with Abu Mazen on the White House lawn in the autumn of 1993, why didn't you demand of him, your partner to the secret negotiations in Oslo, to recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people?

Time to End the Silence, by Talia Sasson

Sasson Collage.jpg
Talia Sasson is a member of the Yesh Din public committee and drafted the government report on West Bank outposts in 2005 as legal advisor to Prime Minister Sharon

The talk in the media about the freeze that is no longer, and the one yet to come, Abbas' decision to end-or-not-to-end the talks, the window of opportunity that may disappear at any moment, complex Israeli interests, urgent US interests, a US president who exerts pressure, and a world that holds its breath - is all just background noise.