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Recommended Readings: May 2011 Archives

Speech Isn't Enough

By Ehud Olmert

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's appearance at congress was impressive and stirred a sense of justified pride among many Israelis who are not subjugated to political rivalries and hatreds. Netanyahu is a talented orator and is particularly lucid in English. He knows how to speak to the Americans in heart-warming "American" they can understand. It was no coincidence that he received a very warm, sympathetic welcome in Congress. It was no wonder that his speech, which was aired live in Israel, elicited a similar response among the Israeli public. It was a moment of pleasure that every Israeli was entitled to enjoy and take pride in.

Where Netanyahu fails himself and Israel

By Fareed Zakaria 

Conventional wisdom is fast congealing in Washington that President Obama was wrong to demarcate a shift in American policy toward Israel last week. In fact, it was Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu who broke with the past -- in one of a series of diversions and obstacles Netanyahu has come up with anytime he is pressed. He wins in the short run, but ultimately, he is turning himself into a version of Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko, "Mr. Nyet," a man who will be bypassed by history.

Saying 'no' to the world

By Orly Azoulay

He did not say it provocatively or crudely. It was a superb speech, with all the shticks that the Americans like: He joked in American, he mentioned his killed brother, and he recounted how he himself almost died near the Suez Canal during the war. Yet he said "no!"

Marching for Israel, with Love and Criticism

By Rabbi Jill Jacobs and Rabbi David Rosenn

On June 5, thousands of Jewish New Yorkers will march together in the Celebrate Israel Parade. We are thrilled that our organizations -- New Israel Fund and Rabbis for Human Rights-North America -- along with our partners, Meretz-USA and Americans for Peace Now, will march together under the banner of our shared progressive values.

'Tis the season. The season when members of Congress are lobbied hard to support positions presented to them as the epitome of "pro-Israel" - but that in fact are anything but.

Obama's Speech Was Misunderstood

By Robert Wexler and Zvika Krieger
The Wall Street Journal

The reaction to President Barack Obama's speech on Thursday has largely focused on one line: "The borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states." News outlets from across the political spectrum ran headlines highlighting Mr. Obama's demand that Israel return to the "1967 borders," referring to Israel's boundaries before it took control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip after the 1967 Six Day War.

Bibi and Barack, by Thomas Friedman

Reading the headlines from the Middle East these days -- Christians and Muslims clashing in Egypt, Syria attempting to crush its democracy rebellion and Palestinians climbing over fences into Israel -- you get the sense of a region where the wheels could really start to come off. 

Dov Weissglas: The Last Chance

Last Chance - by Dov Weissglas

The coming days are a final chance to stop or, at the very least to slow down, Israel's political setback. From the day that Arafat died and the Palestinian Authority desisted from terrorism, its standing in the world has only strengthened. The demand for independence, for a demilitarized state within the 1967 borders (with agreed border revisions) with East Jerusalem as its capital, is accepted by nearly all the countries of the world, and it will almost certainly win sweeping recognition by the UN General Assembly in September.

THE FATAL shooting Sunday of at least a dozen Palestinians who crossed into Israel from Syria and southern Lebanon reflected failures of intelligence, crowd control, and diplomacy by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government.

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(Published in Yedioth Ahronoth, May 3, p. 32, by British Ambassador to Israel Matthew Gould - translation by Israel News Today)

Peace is Security

Six months is a long time in the Middle East. Since my arrival in September as Britain's ambassador to Israel, there have been some enormous upheavals in this region.  Recent weeks have seen a return of horrendous violence, including a shower of rocket attacks in southern Israel, and horrific attacks in Itamar and Jerusalem.

Yedioth Ahronoth Op-Ed: Oops, We've Been Dragged Again

(published in Yedioth Ahronoth, May 1, p. 20, by Uri Misgav - translation by Israel News Today)

Oops, We've Been Dragged Again

Look at these Palestinians: they don't miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity to coordinate their steps with Binyamin Netanyahu and Shimon Peres. It's important to them to reach the finish line of recognition of the Palestinian state united, at least outwardly. Go understand them.

It should at least be said to their credit that they had someone to learn from. Binyamin Zeev Herzl, David Ben-Gurion and Chaim Weizmann, to name a few examples. In that sense, to use a common historic phrase, Abu Mazen and Salam Fayyad are "standing on the shoulders of giants."