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Recommended Readings: November 2013 Archives

Step by Step toward Shalom with Iran

Rabbi Arthur Waskow has authored a call to the Jewish community to support peace with Iran, stating in part:

"We welcome warmly the greatly increased possibility of a peaceful resolution of the conflicts among the US, Iran, Israel, and other nations.


The confluence of Thanksgiving and Chanukah seems to have brought more than the usual rush of madness to Chanukah, which has become a major holiday in the United States by virtue of its usual proximity to Christmas.

Dissent - Jo-Ann Mort: The War That Never Ended


Review by Jo-Ann Mort

Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers
Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation
by Yossi Klein Halevi
Harper Collins, 2013, 608 pp.

Growing up in Borough Park, Brooklyn, Yossi Klein Halevi was a devotee of the ultra-rightist rabbi Meier Kahane, an experience he chronicled in an honest autobiography, Memoirs of a Jewish Extremist. But after moving to Jerusalem in 1982, he broke from this hardcore and hateful ideology to become one of Israel's most generous-minded journalists and analysts. Once a fellow at the right-wing, Sheldon Adelson-supported Shalem Center, he now resides at the more ecumenical Shalom Hartman Institute as part of a special unit that promotes deeper understanding of Israeli society to the Diaspora Jewish community. Click here for more

YNet -Yuval Diskin: Prevent the next big explosion

Op-ed: To prevent a 'Palestinian spring' Israel must create hope, and prisoner release is part of that

The Arab Spring did not bring, as of yet, stability to any country in which it occured, but it did bring forth a new gospel that's impossible to ignore - the gospel of "The democracy of the masses, and not necessarily of the majority." Mideast nations suddenly realized their strength and their ability to cause coups and change regimes. The public realized that if there's a critical mass of displeased people - even if they are not, by definition, a majority - the regime will struggle to rule.

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