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Video: June 2011 Archives

Matti Steinberg on Palestinian Unity

Yesterday, APN cosponsored a standing-room only briefing featuring Professor Matti Steinberg, Israel's preeminent expert on Hamas. 

The other cosponsoring groups were the Foundation for Middle East Peace, Churches for Middle East Peace, and the Middle East Institute.  The video for the event is here:

VIDEO: "What do you really know about Jerusalem"

Jerusalem_Video_Graphic320x265.jpgThe Israeli settlements in East Jerusalem are getting out of control and endanger the two state solution.

See Peace Now's simplified primer on the status of Jerusalem.

Why is peace in Israel important to you?

Last month I attended an Israel Week event at the University of Maryland. I was there in two capacities: as an intern for APN and as a graduate student at Maryland.

On campus, we asked my fellow students to tell us why peace in Israel is important to them.

Their responses are powerful. There's pro-peace energy on campus. Many college students are like me: We know that without peace, Israel's very existence in danger.