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Government Relations: March 2005 Archives

Legislative Roundup - 7/23/04

I. Senate ICJ Resolution; II. New Bills and Resolutions; III. ForOps Redux; IV. Defense Approps Redux

Legislative Roundup - 7/30/04

Plus Bonus Recess Edition - 108th Redux

Legislative Roundups - 9/10/04

I. Implementing Recommendations of the 911 Commission (S 2774); II. Homeland Security Approps (HR 4567); III. Remembering 9/11 (H Res 757); IV. US Passports and Jerusalem - US Court dismisses lawsuits

Legislative Roundup - 9/15/04

1. Senate ForOps and CJS Markup; 2. HR 4567 Update; 3. Syria Resolution(s)

Legislative Roundup - 9/24/04

I. Senate ForOps Approps II. Senate CJS Approps

Legislative Round-Up - 11/19/04

I. Senate Resolution II. House Letter - Aid to PA III. House Letter - Egypt IV. 109th Congress - Jewish Members V. APN letter to President Bush

Legislative Round-Up - 3/18/2005

I. House Passes Supplemental; II. APN on Supplemental; III. Bills and Resolutions; IV. Congressional Letter on Egypt; V. On the Record - Capps and Kolbe

"The President believes - as do I - it is imperative to deliver U.S. assistance quickly to improve Palestinians' quality of life and empower their democratically elected leadership."

All Members of the House of Representatives received these APN Talking Points on the eve of the March 15th consideration of the President's aid package

Legislative Round-Up - 3/11/05

I. New Bills and Resolutions II. House Approps Marks Up Supplemental III. APN on Palestinian Aid IV. APN Ambassadors Forum on the Hill

Legislative Round-Up - 3/4/05

I. New Bills and Resolutions II. FY04 Supplemental - Details III. Palestinian Aid _ State-of-Play IV. APN and Palestinian Aid V. On the Hill