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Government Relations: December 2005 Archives

This recess edition of the Round-Up contains a summary of all Israel- and Middle East- related bills and resolutions introduced thus far in the 109th Congress, as well as references to prior editions of the Round-Up which may have covered them in more detail.

See the invitation to sign the letter, and the letter iteself...

Legislative Roundup - December 20, 2005

Special Mid-Week Edition -- Congress stayed in session throughout the past weekend and wrapped up business on a number of Middle East-related issues

Press Release from Congresswoman Lois Capps regarding "Bipartisan Effort to Urge Engagement in Peace Process"

Legislative Roundup - December 16, 2005

I. Hyde/Capps Dear Colleague II. H. Res. 575 III. APN on H. Res. 575 IV. Bills and Resolutions V. Rice letter cosigners

Legislative Roundup - December 2, 2005

I. Hamas in Congress; II. Hyde/Capps Dear Colleague

Legislative Roundup - December 9, 2005

I. Hyde/Capps Dear Colleague II. APN on Hyde/Capps letter III. Bills and Resolutions IV. On the Record V. Rice letter cosigners