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Government Relations: February 2006 Archives

Legislative Round-up - February 24, 2006

I. New Hamas Bill in the Senate II. House Hearings on US-PA Relations

Legislative Round-Up - February 17, 2006

I. S. Con. Res. 79 in the House II. APN on S. Con. Res. 79 III. The FY07 Budget Request IV. New Bills and Resolutions V. S. Con. Res. 79 Debate Excerpts

Resolution expressing that U.S. assistance should not be provided directly to the PA if a political party holding a majority of seats maintains a position calling for the destruction of Israel.

APN Urges House Members to Support S. Con. Res. 79

The resolution calls for an end to direct assistance to the Palestinian Authority so long as any party calling for the destruction of Israel holds more than half of the seats in the Palestinian Legislative Council.

Legislative Round-up - February 10, 2006

I. HR 4681 Update II. APN on HR 4681 III. Dear Colleagues Re: Hamas IV. The FY07 Budget Request

"To promote the development of democratic institutions in areas under the administrative control of the Palestinian Authority, and for other purposes."

APN believes the international community (including the U.S.) must make a concerted and coordinated effort to pressure Hamas to recognize Israel's right to exist and end violence directed against Israel. However, APN cautions against using the Hamas victory as a pretext for imposing sanctions that undermine U.S. interests

APN Legislative Round-Up - February 3, 2006

I. Congress and Hamas; II. HR 4681 - Ros-Lehtinen/Lantos; III. Other Anti-PA Measures; IV. Dear Colleagues Re: Hamas; V. Review of Existing Law regarding Palestinians; VI. APN Hill Event - the 2006 Palestinian Elections; VII. Bills and Resolutions