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Government Relations: May 2006 Archives

Legislative Round-Up - May 26, 2006

I. House Passes HR 4681; II. Senate moves on S. 2370; III. APN on S. 2370; IV. HAC Marks Up FY07 ForOps; V. HAC - Spotlight on Egypt and UNRWA; VI. New Bills and Resolutions

See the record and empassioned statements, including insertion of APN's talking points

This message was sent to all House of Representatives offices on Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Today (Monday, May 22, 2006), the House is expected to suspend the rules and take up HR 4681, the "Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006."

Legislative Round-Up - May 19, 2006

I. Update on Palestinian Sanctions Bills; II. Dueling Dear Colleagues; III. Subcommittee Marks Up FY07 ForOps; IV. APN to ForOps Subcommittee; V. McCollum Letter to AIPAC; VI. APN on UNRWA

HR 4691 is as amended by the House International House Judiciary Committee; S. 2370 has not been marked up or amended in the Senate

Talking Points sent to House Members urging the rejection of the Kirk Amendment to FY07 ForOps bill and other efforts to undermine, weaken, and de-legitimize UNRWA and other UN efforts in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

Legislative Roundup - May 12, 2006

I. Update on Palestinian Sanctions; II. HR 4681 in the Judiciary Committee; III. Spotlight on Egypt; IV. McDermott on the Record on HR 4681; V. APN on HR 4681 (May 8, 2006); VI. APN on AIPAC "FAQS" about HR 4681

A review of the AIPAC "FAQs," contrasted with what is actually contained in the text of HR 4681, as approved by the House International Relations Committee on April 6, 2006.

"We support the intent of HR 4681...though the bill is unnecessary as the Executive branch already has ample authority to impose all its restrictions and it constrains the Executive's flexibility to use sanctions, if appropriate, as tools to address rapidly changing circumstances.

This legislation would impose sweeping sanctions against the Palestinians in response to the victory of Hamas in the January 2006 Palestinian legislative elections.

Legislative Round-Up - May 5, 2006

I. Update on Palestinian Sanctions II. Supplemental Update III. New Bills and Resolutions IV. On the Hill