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Government Relations: July 2008 Archives

APN Legislative Round-Up - July 25, 2008

I. Bills and Resolutions; II. Senate FY09 ForOps Bill -- Committee Markup; III. Senate Letter on Iran Interests Section; IV. Specter on the Record on Iran and Syria-Israel Talks; V. Frank Letter to Olmert re: Settlements

APN Legislative Round-Up - July 18, 2008

I. Bills and Resolutions; II. Notification of Defense Deals with Israel; III. CUFI in DC; IV. Yes, Another Iran Sanctions Bill; V. State Department Responds to Price-LaHood Letter; VI. Sen. Kucinich Eulogies a true Peace-Maker

APN & Coalition Letter on Gaza Students to Sec. Rice

We strongly urge that the United States broaden its diplomatic efforts in order to persuade Israel to permit the travel of all students whose travel presents no genuine security threat.

APN Legislative Round-Up - July 11, 2008

I. Bills and Resolutions; II. State-of-Play of H. Con. Res. 362; III. APN on H. Con. Res. 362; IV. Ackerman on H. Con. Res. 362; V. Hearings and Markups; VI. Spotlight on Israel-Europe Relations; VII. Kirk, Harman Push Missile Defenses for Israel