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Government Relations: November 2010 Archives

APN Legislative Round-up for the Week Ending November 19, 2010

1. Bills and Resolutions
2. Update on House Letter on Jonathan Pollard
3. House Letter to Clinton and Gates Opposing Saudi Arms Deal
4. Yet Another (!) Bizarre Statement from Rep. Gohmert (he hates those Palestinian "illegal settlements") &
5. Text of H. Res. 1731

Today APN President and CEO Debra DeLee sent the following message to APN supporters:


Today we are all still digesting the results of yesterday's mid-term elections.  Elections that for most of us, as individual voters, were not only, or even primarily, about Israel, but about a range of domestic issues dear to our hearts.  Many of us are dismayed at what these elections may mean for these issues and for the future of our families and our country. 

But even as we try to come to terms with what will be the likely impact of these elections, we can't take our eyes off the ball in the Middle East.