1. Bills, Resolutions and Letters
2. GOP Campaign to Mis-Characterize Obama's Position on Borders
3. And Some Dems Follow Suit
4. GOP ups the ante, rejects Gaza-West Bank Link
5. APN on Bibi's Speech to Congress
6. APN Tells Congress: Reject AIPAC-backed H. Res. 268 and S. Res. 185
7. APN on Bibi's Speech to Congress
8. Excerpts from 6/25/04 Round-Up (on H. Con. Res. 460 and S. Res. 393)
9. Odds and Ends
10. And finally, fun with Gohmert (R-TX) and Inhofe (R-OK)
Continue reading APN Legislative Round-Up for the Week Ending May 27, 2011.