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Peace Now in the Press: October 2008 Archives

OpEd by Arthur Stern, APN National Executive Committee Member and Southern California Regional Chair

Jerusalem Post: "Settlers rebuild evacuated outpost"

Hagit Ofran of Peace Now said the High Court of Justice had determined that the outpost was illegal more than a year ago and had told the families that they needed to leave.
"Whoever expresses himself in such a manner belongs in jail," Olmert said during yesterday's weekly cabinet meeting. "We've had enough of all this violence

YNET: "Sternhell on settlers: Enough talk, do something"

Israeli leadership "are leaving the impression that nothing can be done...they who view Peace Now's attempts to visit Hebron as provocative."
Profile of Hagit Ofran appeared in the women's magazine
Israeli law enforcement authorities are connecting the dots. So are Israeli politicians, the media and most of the Israeli public. It's time for American friends of Israel to also sober up to the straight line that leads from the systemic lawlessness among Jewish West Bank settlers to political terrorism inside Israel.
Michael Sfard, a human rights lawyer for Peace Now...said the price tag campaign of the settler extreme has been discussed for months on Internet forums and in weekly pamphlets circulated within the movement.

Jerusalem Post: "Olive harvest has become more violent"

Includes mention of attack against Prof. Sternhell, the Peace Now "bounty" leaflet, and death threats against Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer

Peace Now Secretary General Received Death Threats

Articles and briefs on the graffiti death threats against Yariv Oppenheimer...
"...Peace Now...revealed that since the Annapolis peace talks last October, the number of construction tenders issued in East Jerusalem has increased by a factor of 38 compared to the previous year.

Washington Post: "W. Bank Settlers' Rage Grows"

PM Olmert: "An evil wind of malice, of hatred, of extremism, of lawlessness is blowing through certain sectors of the Israeli public and threatens Israeli democracy," he told his cabinet.
In the past few weeks, the Settlers Council has launched an advertising campaign under the heading "Judea and Samaria-every Jew's story,"
"Leaflets left at the scene (Professor Sternhell bombing) offered a NIS 1.1 million bounty for anyone killing a leader of Peace Now."

Economist: "Settlers against a settlement"

Peace Now, an Israeli group that monitors settlement building, says that 493 new housing units have gone up east of the planned barrier in the past year, in outposts and older settlements.
Oscar-winning director Ari Sandel ("West Bank Story") racked up yet another prize when Americans for Peace Now presented him the 2008 Cine-Peace Award.
"...the settlement population in the West Bank has doubled to 260,000 inhabitants since the construction of the last official settlement 12 years ago, according to Peace Now,..."
"Olmert's turnaround is remarkable, but in line with Peace Now, the Israeli pro-peace group."
"...Hagit Ofran of Peace Now said she did not believe the initiative ('Yehuda and Shomron: Every Jew's Story') would be able to sway the public"
According to the latest data from the Peace Now movement, during Ehud Olmert's term of office, at least 4,056 new housing units were built in the West Bank, and tenders were published for another 1,433 units.
"...the Yesha Council (Council of Jewish Communities of Judea, Samaria and the Gaza Strip) launched a new campaign by the name of 'Yehuda and Shomron - Every Jew's story'"

Newsweek: "A Piece Of The Peace"

According to the Israeli watchdog group Peace Now, some 2,600 new housing units are currently under construction throughout the West Bank.

Columbus Dispatch: "Equally destructive"

Extremist Israeli settlers damage peace prospects just as Palestinian terrorists do
Yariv Oppenheimer, the head of Peace Now: "Whoever doesn't enforce the law on the violent settlers in the territories," he said, "will find himself facing a Jewish terrorist organization operating in the heart of Israel."
Settlers in the West Bank and East Jerusalem doubled their construction of houses this year, according to the Israeli group Peace Now.
The mind reels: The State of Israel is their enemy? A reward for dead Peace Now members? A halachic kingdom?
Peace Now secretary-general Yariv Oppenheimer said he was glad that Netanyahu was admitting publicly that he would build in the settlements instead of moving to the center of the political map.
The attack against Sternhell came less than a month after right-wing Rabbi Yisrael Rozen attacked Peace Now in a weekly pamphlet that is distributed to synagogues
From the moment I joined 'Peace Now', threats, hate mail and hostile telephone calls have become the norm.
Peace Now supporter Ze'ev Sternhell was "the target of the highest-profile attack inside Israel by far right-wing Jewish extremists since Yitzhak Rabin's assassination in 1995."
"...police found posters offering a 1 million shekel reward [close to $300,000] to anyone killing a member of Peace Now, which opposes Jewish settlement in the land seized in the 1967 Six-Day War."
Nearly a thousand housing units are being built in Maale Adumim, according to Peace Now's Settlement Watch project.

Firedoglake Blog: "Terrorists target Peace Now"

In a shocking incident, Peace Now activist and renowned Professor Zeev Sternhell was wounded by a pipe bomb outside his home in Israel last week.

APN in the Blogoshphere in pieces re: Olmert's Interview

Global News Blog: "MIDEAST: Final Hours Find Newly Conciliatory Olmert";LA Times Blog Babylon Beyond "ISRAEL: Olmert's intriguing swan song";