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Press Releases: August 2006 Archives

"This conference represents an important step toward stabilizing and rebuilding Lebanon," said APN President and CEO Debra DeLee.

APN today sent a letter to President Bush calling on him to publicly clarify that the U.S. does not oppose renewed Israel-Syria negotiations. The letter also urged a reappraisal of the American approach towards Syria, noting that current policy has helped push Syria closer to Iran.

APN Notes Improvement on Aid Front, Continuing Failure on Leadership, Diplomacy and Vision

Bush Administration, UN Risk Major Failure Implementing Lebanon Ceasefire. Fragile Peace At Risk. Americans for Peace Now Gives Bush "D-" For First Week's Effort

Listen to APN and Peace Now leaders discuss the current crisis on August 14, 2006

APN today welcomed the unanimous passage of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701, laying the groundwork for a cessation of hostilities in the current conflict between Hezbollah and Israel

APN today applauded the Senate's passage, by unanimous consent, of S. Res. 548.

Americans for Peace Now today again criticized the Bush Administration for failing to invest sufficient efforts to resolve the military crisis devastating Israel and Lebanon.