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Press Releases: October 2009 Archives

Americans for Peace Now Salutes J Street Conference

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 27, 2009 / CONTACT: Ori Nir - (202) 408-9898;

Washington, D.C.-- Americans for Peace Now (APN) today congratulated J Street, the political arm of America's pro-Israel peace movement, for its successful First National Conference.

"J Street succeeded to attract and mobilize a large number of peace activists, creating a historic moment for our movement."

Breaking_News_2_320x265.jpgWashington D.C. APN's Board of Directors met here today and unanimously agreed to urge Israel's government to launch its own independent investigation of alleged violations of human rights and international law that may have taken place in the context of the Gaza war, including those documented in the United Nations Human Rights Council report on last winter's Gaza conflict,known as the "Goldstone Report."

Nobel Committee Chairman with Picture of President Obama 186x140.jpgWashington, D.C - Americans for Peace Now (APN) today congratulated President Barack Obama for winning the Nobel Peace Prize and urged him to keep pushing for Middle East peace, viewing the prize as an international expression of confidence in his policy of engagement, negotiations and multilateralism, particularly in the Middle East.

Picture: Chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize committee Thorbjorn Jagland holds a picture of President Obama.

Jerusalem - Shuafat Friction2 10-09 320x265.jpg

CONTACT: Ori Nir (202) 408-9898

Washington, D.C - Americans for Peace Now (APN) today expressed alarm at the spiraling violence in Jerusalem and urged the Obama administration to take immediate action to help stop the deterioration.

"Recent history teaches us that clashes in Jerusalem have a tendency to ripple throughout the region..."