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News and Updates: January 2009 Archives

Come hear Seidemann, Israeli lawyer and Jerusalem expert on Friday, February 6, 12 noon
Zogby speaks about groups like AAI and APN getting together for peace, and steps taken by President Obama in opening days of his Administration
The interview with David Pine, APN Regional Director, about Peace Now & the Gaza War begins 4 minutes into the show

Join APN in Congratulating President Obama

Send a message to the new President through APN's online system
NY Jewish Week: "The most creative was APN, which rented a mobile billboard with the slogan 'Make Peace Happen...Yes We Can'..."
APN Leaders in S. California joined with other organizational reps as signatories for this letter published in the January 15 issue
Golan discussed the efforts to bring an end to the violence in Gaza and southern Israel and reviewed Peace Now's role
Corcoran speaks on the humanitarian situation in Gaza and efforts/plans to provide basic necessities during the hostilities
Listen to a recording of the the APN program held on Jan. 13 featuring a diverse and expert panel
Alpher assesses Israeli progress, damage done, and options for now and the future
See video highlights of the 1/10/09 rally outside the Israeli Defense Ministry building in Tel Aviv
Oppenheimer follows a report about rockets hitting Be'er Sheba, and speaks about the lack of a military solution to the Gaza situation
Malley is currently Middle East and North Africa Program Director at the International Crisis Group in Washington
Guiora, now Law Professor at the University of Utah, Guiora, was also formerly Legal Advisor to the Commander of the IDF School of Military Law.
Daily audio interviews include: Amos Oz, Middle East Expert Rob Malley, Professor Galia Golan, UNRWA Spokesman Chris Gunness, Peace Now's Yariv Oppenheimer, Ha'aretz's Akiva Eldar
Discusses cease-fire plan proposal and circumstances for an Israeli "exit strategy"
The interview with the noted Israeli author and Peace Now leader was aired on Wednesday, January 7, 2009
The spokesman from the organization responsible for services in Gaza describes the humanitarian crisis and barriers to providing services
Peace Now's Q&A flyer is being distributed in Israel (ALSO: Demonstration to be held in Tel Aviv on Sat. evening, Jan. 10)
(1/13/09 - Washington, D.C.) Prospects for progress toward Israeli-Palestinian peace under the Obama Administration and in the wake of the Gaza war
On Peace Now's position regarding the Gaza situation: End the fighting and work on a short and long-term political resolution
On Israel ground operations, its lengths, chances for "success", and efforts to end the fighting
The APN Spokesman is interviewed on the nationally syndicated radio show

Resource Page for Gaza "War"

List with links to items related to the current crisis in Gaza and Southern Israel

Peace Now says 'End It Now'

Peace Now activists are fanning out across Israel today, calling for an end to the fighting. They are demanding that their government find a diplomatic solution to the ongoing violence.