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Press Releases: January 2009 Archives

"Appallingly, the year that followed Prime Minister Olmert's commitment in Annapolis to freeze settlement construction saw a sharp surge, not only in so-called `settlement blocs' but also east of the security barrier, deep inside the West Bank."
"We welcome President Obama's reaching out to the Arab and Muslim world and support his efforts to turn a new page of engagement, partnership and dialogue in the Middle East..."
APN has called on President Obama to make Middle East peace a top priority for his administration, and the President's first Mideast moves are promising.
In a letter delivered on the new President's first full day in office, the signers urged Obama to make a "fresh start" in U.S. efforts to resolve the conflict...
APN today warmly congratulated President Obama as America's forty-fourth president and urged him to immediately help Israel and its neighbors advance toward peace.
"...desperately needed first step, ending three weeks of fighting that has come at a terrible cost for the people of Gaza, and...rocket fire...into Israel"
APN has been calling for U.S. leadership and engagement to end the hostilities and achieve a ceasefire that will be both durable and sustainable
APN President and CEO Debra DeLee: "We have been calling for such sustainable arrangements for months,...Such arrangements could have prevented this war..."
APN provides details on what will be needed to make an Israel-Hamas ceasefire have meaning and last

Supporting Israel Means Seeking a Ceasefire, Now

Israel's military leaders know that while short-term tactical gains can be achieved, the Israeli military cannot destroy popular support for Hamas, stop all rockets from falling, or force the release of Gilad Shalit.