This is an important moment for those of us who care about Israel and
about peace. I'm asking you to take action: call your Representative and
Senators so that our voice is heard.
Tomorrow, thousands of activists in Washington for the AIPAC conference will be on the Hill claiming to speak for all Americans, and especially American Jews who care about Israel. I know from experience that their agenda is often not the same as ours.
This lobby day comes hot on the heels of the crisis sparked by the announcement - during Joe Biden's visit to Israel - of a massive settlement expansion.
Today Hillary Clinton defended the administration's action on the issue. She told the AIPAC conference that is is America's devotion to peace for Israel that led the administration to condemn the announcement of plans for new construction in East Jerusalem.
"This is about getting to the table, creating and protecting an atmosphere of trust around it - and staying there until the job is done," she said.
Nevertheless, a number of groups have attacked the Obama administration for publicly speaking out about the settlement expansion. You can be sure that this will be a topic discussed during AIPAC's lobby day tomorrow.
Make sure that our voice is heard. Tell Congress that the real pro-Israel thing to do is to stop the expansion of settlements. Settlements undermine the prospect for peace, which is key to Israel's future.
Tomorrow, thousands of activists in Washington for the AIPAC conference will be on the Hill claiming to speak for all Americans, and especially American Jews who care about Israel. I know from experience that their agenda is often not the same as ours.
This lobby day comes hot on the heels of the crisis sparked by the announcement - during Joe Biden's visit to Israel - of a massive settlement expansion.
Today Hillary Clinton defended the administration's action on the issue. She told the AIPAC conference that is is America's devotion to peace for Israel that led the administration to condemn the announcement of plans for new construction in East Jerusalem.
"This is about getting to the table, creating and protecting an atmosphere of trust around it - and staying there until the job is done," she said.
Nevertheless, a number of groups have attacked the Obama administration for publicly speaking out about the settlement expansion. You can be sure that this will be a topic discussed during AIPAC's lobby day tomorrow.
Make sure that our voice is heard. Tell Congress that the real pro-Israel thing to do is to stop the expansion of settlements. Settlements undermine the prospect for peace, which is key to Israel's future.
Continue reading Push Congress to back Obama's leadership on peace.